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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Making The Most Out Of Your iPod Controls

Press any button on your iPod to activate it so that the main menu displays. You will quickly learn to use the click wheel in combination with the select button to move through the menus on the screen. You will also use the wheel and button to look at information, change the settings of your iPod, and play music. Use your thumb to move the wheel and highlight a menu option. When you want to select a menu option all you have to do is press the select button. If you want to return to the previous menu selection simply use the wheel to press on the menu option.

Wheel Functions
The following are some basic wheel functions that you will want to get the hang of using:
  • Tuning the iPod: Press any button.
  • Selecting an item on the menu: Use the wheel to scroll to the menu item. Press and hold the select butto
  • Return to the previous menu: Press and hold the menu button.
  • Searching for a song: Choose the music option which is found on the main menu.
  • Playing a song: Make sure the song that you want to play is highlighted. Press the play/pause button or select. Remember that your iPod must be disconnected from your computer before you can play any songs.
  • Playing an entire album: Make sure that the album, or playlist, that you want to play is highlighted. Press the play/pause button.
  • Changing the volume: This is done when you are on the now playing screen. Use the wheel to turn the volume up or down. For most iPods there is an optional iPod Remote that you can buy to remotely change the volume.
  • Pausing a song: When you want to pause a song that is currently playing press the play/pause button.
  • Deactivate the buttons: This is a good thing to do if you don’t want to accidentally press the button and make changes to what you are listening to. You will want to use this option if you are carrying your iPod around in your pocket. Set the hold switch to “hold”. You will find the hold switch at the top of your iPod. An orange bar will appear if you have done this correctly.
  • Scrolling through your photos: Go to the photo viewing screen. Use the wheel to move back and forth through your digital photos.
  • Using the photo slideshow: Choose an album or a single photo. Press the play button.


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